G1029 - Bed Leveling (Automatic)
Automatic Probing
GCode implementation of SM2 auto bed leveling protocol.
start auto probing |
Z axis, move z-offset, delta > 0 => we raise the reference point. |
Set the size of the square grid that will be probed - P x P points ( |
Will move to center point first, tuning and saving the offset. |
[“Move to the MESH(i), MESH(j).”, “1. After G28, enable bed leveling feature,We can use this utility to quickly, verify specific location”, “2. TODO, implement set z value to allow manual probing.”] |
Automatic Probing examples
G1029 P5 ; 5x5 matrix
Probe a 5x5 matrix. (AUTO_BED_LEVELING_LINEAR
G1029 A
Enable automatic probe and wait for the end of the probe
G1029 S
Manually adjust the Z value of the last point and then save the value